Sharing Good Times

Sharing Good Times celebrates the importance of joyful play in enabling new ways for adults and children to be together in the classroom.
The podcast offers the reflections of a teacher and a member of the Senior Leadership Team about the impact Playground has had on the learning environment and culture of the classroom.
"We should be looking into the world of our children and how they see it. And the beauty of the sessions is that the adults do that, and we aren't expecting them to conform to whatever we need them to conform to outside in the world."
Becky, Assistant Head Teacher at the Wyvern School
Listen to the podcast
Co-created by Daniel Naddafy, Dexter Newman, Grace Hann, Jeremy Harrison, Nicola Flower and the children and staff of Hedgehogs class
Filmed and edited by Spark Film Production
Music by Jeremy Harrison
With thanks to staff at Wyvern School
Special thanks to Kent Family Hubs for funding this film